Superfoods are extremely high in micronutrients like vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants, enzymes and healthy fats. All of these nutrients are essential to your body so you can thrive. Some items listed below are foods that we probably never thought would be a superfood but yet we tend to use it in our ingredient list quite often. It's important for our physical and mental health to be incorporating these foods into our daily diet and even better, using multiple superfoods in one meal!
1. Avocado - heart-healthy fats
Avocados contain 20 vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients making them extremely nutrient dense. This superfood is a healthy high fat food with over half of its fat content coming from monounsaturated fat. When making food choices, we are sometimes hesitant to eat foods higher in fat and calories. However, fat can be a great nutrient to fuel our body when we get it from sources high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
An avocado serving size is about 50 calories, which can be a great substitute for other dips, oils, and sauces that may contain higher fat contents. There are fewer calories than the same amount of butter, mayonnaise, sour cream, peanut butter, almond butter, olive oil, and coconut oil. Use avocado as a substitute today!
Check out the recipe I created with some delicious salmon and avocado.

2. Pomegranate - heart health
Pomegranate has been known to improve and maintain a healthy heart.
Researchers have shown that drinking pomegranate juice (made from the fruit's seeds) or simply eating pomegranate seeds as a healthy snack improves blood flow, lowers blood pressure and delays the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in patients with coronary heart disease. Scientists suspect pomegranate's polyphenols may also help prevent plaque buildup in healthy people.
Pomegranate seeds are great to eat by themselves, add as a topping to yogurts and oatmeal, or even using them as a sweet addition to your salad. The possibility is endless when it comes to what you can create with pomegranates.
3. Berries - help keep the brain healthy and may fend off Alzheimer's disease
Berries, specifically blueberries have been known to promote brain health and they are also filled with antioxidants that help ward off certain diseases and they help maintain healthy cholesterol levels to promote good blood flow.
A great way to keep blueberries fresh in your fridge for a longer period of time is to refrigerate them right after grocery shopping or visiting the blueberry patch.
You can store them in the plastic clamshell they come in, or in a large, un-covered bowl or container. Don’t store fresh blueberries in an airtight container as this can trap moisture and speed up mold and rot. It’s best to store blueberries in the main part of the refrigerator rather than the crisper drawer, to allow for better air circulation.
4. Broccoli - may contribute to a lower risk of cancer and other diseases
Broccoli is known for its incredible anti-inflammatory properties. It is a vegetable that is high in fiber and low in fat. It is high in antioxidants, chlorophyll, and other useful phytonutrients.
Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, broccoli may help fight allergies, boosts immunity, enhance cardiovascular health, and even help prevent some type’s malignancies. It has a low glycemic index, making it good for people with diabetes.
Broccoli can be incorporated into your meals in a variety of ways such as broccoli salad, slow roasted, air fried, boiled, and so much more!
5. Seafood - provides omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy heart and brain health
This one might be my favorite superfood...for obvious reasons.
Specifically wild-caught fish is loaded with iodine and various vitamins and minerals, it's also naturally low in fat, which makes it one of the least caloric and cleanest proteins you can eat. Wild salmon in particular is also full of omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to help lessen inflammation, a major role in managing obesity and metabolic disease.
Healthy seafood has been known to improve heart health, eye health, and brain health. Studies have also shown that with the proper amount of consumption per week, seafood can be a natural antidepressant and boost your mood through the amazing omega 3 fatty acids.
Check out my blog below to read more about wild caught seafood how it can help decrease certain mood disorders.
6. Garlic and onions- contribute to healthy blood pressure levels
These delicious bulbs are among the foods with the greatest health properties, thanks to their high content of substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, such as polyphenols. But above all, they stand out for their ability to help prevent many cancers, especially of the head, nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract and help maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
Garlic and onion can be used in almost any savory dish, and to know that they are a healthy superfood, I highly recommend adding them to your diet at least once a day to take full advantage of their beneficial properties.
7. Mushrooms may complement breast cancer treatment
Mushrooms contain high levels of desirable nutrients, and in some cases, they contain unique polysaccharides that are proven to protect against cancer and other diseases of aging.
Specifically, Shiitake mushrooms have been clinically shown to boost your production of several types of cells that play a key role in immune system function. They enhance the function of existing cells, too. And they lower inflammation.
Throw a few mushrooms into your dish a few times a week and you'll be on the path to creating a healthy immune system while also enjoying a nutrient dense ingredient.
8. Nuts and seeds - supply a powerful punch of plant protein and can help regulate weight
Most nuts and seeds contain vital vitamins, minerals and fiber. Some may be more beneficial than others and some may contain key nutrients that can especially help you along on your healthy journey.
Nuts and seeds are chock full of minerals. They contain a high amount of fiber, they are a good source of healthy fats. They contain loads of protein. One half cup of mixed nuts like the ones described below contains about 13 grams of protein. They also contain phyto-nutrients like flavonoids and other antioxidants.
Nuts and seeds are a great food to snack on throughout the day or add to your favorite dishes such as, salads, yogurts, fish recipes, and so much more!
9. Dark. leafy greens - may play a role in preventing colorectal cancer
Dark leafy greens such as spinach is an incredible superfood that is extremely versitile.
A 100-gram (g) servingTrusted Source of spinach contains 28.1 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, 34%Trusted Source of a person’s daily recommended amount. Spinach also contains iron, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Spinach has been known to prevent certain cancers, helps manage diabetes and asthma, and it can also help lower high blood pressure.
10. Citrus fruits - may help prevent age-related eye disease
Citrus fruits are often overlooked as a superfood. They are in fact an extremely beneficial food for your health and can be very easy to incorporate into your daily diet.
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also a good source of dietary fiber. Citrus fruits can help improve your cardiovascular health, promote healthy skin and nails, boost your immune system, and even aid in weight loss.
If you're finding it difficult to consume a healthy amount of citrus fruits each day, try taking them in powder form to ensure you're getting those proper nutrients or replace that high caloric dessert with a bowl of delicious fruit that will not only give you the proper nutrients but will also curve that sweet tooth at the end of the day.
We want to help you get more superfoods into your diet! As you can see from the above recipes, a great way to start is with heart healthy fish, and then add other superfoods from there. Have some fun with nutritious combinations and enjoy eating healthy. The best way to get more fish in your diet is have it handy and ready to go in your freezer. We offer on-time orders, and also recurring subscriptions to make purchasing fish from a trusted source even easier.