Some of my favorite memories are of fishing with my dad.
When I say that, you might imagine a father and daughter sitting and chatting with fishing poles in the water. The quiet companionship of a day spent doing almost nothing.
But that's not what I mean at all.
Fishing in Alaska with my dad on a halibut boat was long hours, scraping fish, coiling miles of line, and baiting hundreds of hooks. And did I mention long hours? It's all about moving fast while being very careful and learning to work until the work is done.
But it was also sunsets and sunrises, days on end without seeing the shore, flocks of birds, whales in the distance, dozens of dolphins playing in the wake, and quality time with my dad.
It's the kind of thing that takes on a rosy glow only in your memory.
Our middle daughter is 15 years old and has chosen to spend her summer in Alaska working with Rich.