The Meaningful Marketplace

The Meaningful Marketplace

Posted by Sena Wheeler on

Sena Seafoods (pronounced see’ nuh) has a long, long history of fishing. As Sena Wheeler of Sena Seafoods recounts, her grandfather immigrated to the Ballard, Washington from Norway with his brothers and became a commercial fisherman in 1938. They fished using traditional Norwegian longlines, and passed the knowledge to their children, who passed it on again. Their boat logs show the family fished the waters from as far north as Alaska and as far south as Mexico. Sena's father, Art, fished for thirty years, and Sena has fond memories of making trips with him on the Alrita as a teenager. Now in their fifth generation of fishing, the family loves what they do and are contributing the dinner table as well as to the environment. Our hosts received some fishing education in this episode and want to pass it along to the listeners.

Click here to listen!

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