But let's be honest, there are certain parts of Christmas that are hard to love.
OK, I'll go first. I don't love: malls, running around town shopping in rush-hour traffic, last minute shopping, forgetting the whipping cream and having to run back to the store, and especially the overwhelming amount of STUFF that Christmas brings into the house.
I almost feel bad, like I'm not a good American, but I don't love getting or giving stuff. Please don't think I'm a scrooge. I honestly LOVE Christmas, just not the stuff!
Stuff that will be forgotten about in a week. Stuff that will lie around and clutter up my house or someone else's. Stuff that will end up in a landfill.
So this year, let's put an end to the never-ending stuff. Let's give the gift of non-clutter.
And while we're at it, lets make our gifts count by giving thoughtful sustainable gifts that people can really use.
A quick search on pinterest shows me I'm not the only crazy one with this idea, also known as sustainable gift giving, zero waste gifts, consumable gifts, and re-usable gifts.
So guess what? I have the perfect solution!
A gift that is sustainable and consumable with zero waste packaging that is re-usable and recyclable.
It's also a beautiful, delicious and healthy gift that you can be proud to give.
Too good to be true?
Here's the full story:
We are a 3rd generation fishing family. We fish for wild Alaskan Copper River Salmon (aka the best salmon on the planet). We fish sustainably, and take pride in passing ocean stewardship on to the next generation.

We smoke and jar our fresh Copper River Salmon at the peak of the season to preserve the premium quality. Our jars are beautifully hand packed with all the high quality omega-3 oils preserved (no added oils).

Our all natural, ready to eat smoked salmon comes in re-usable glass pint jars. We have your choice of recyclable gift boxes, or re-usable hand crafted wooden boxes.

Rich actually crafts every single wooden box himself, from wood that he mills himself. He likes to use trees of significance. Last year he used a very special cedar tree that had to be removed from a friend's yard. This year, he will be using madrona from our home town, Vashon Island.

Purchasing our fish supports one of the last wild salmon runs on the planet, a fishing community that is built around sustainability, a fishing family that is working hard to pass on a legacy of ocean stewardship, and a little less plastic in the landfill.

Eat fish and be happy,
- Sena C Wheeler
Sena holds degrees in nutrition and food science in addition to being a Mom, foodie, and third generation fisherman's wife. Visit her at SenaSea.com where she blogs about family, fish and food.
If you haven't yet, join the community and receive our FREE cookbook! With instant access to our family recipes and tips you can cook excellent fish with confidence. Plus you'll receive 10% off your first purchase!
Have a friend that would love this article? Share the love and pass it on! Our family business runs on word of mouth and we appreciate you taking the time to help us out. Thanks! -Sena